My feverish foray into contemporary painting did not necessitate a formal studio. My venture began with a homemade easel, steel-wheeled carts filled with a vast array of meticulously arranged paints, beautifully laid out brushes, and hand-me-down recycled canvases. That’s all I needed to seduce me into hours of unbridled creativity. I painted where I could; outside, in a darkened garage, any space large enough to accommodate me. My Studio was any place I could throw, brush, splatter, swoop, swish, dot my paint and materialize a visual impression that needed to be born.
“Home is where my brush lies...”
“Color brings to form all that I am...”
For me now, my formal studio is a place that brings me home and allows my stories to be told.
Being surrounded by a myriad of colored paints only further ignites the fire I feel and the passion that drives me to create. My studio is set in nature and equipped with an inordinate number of skylights per sq. inch. Sweeping light propels my visions to completion. I am truly grateful to have this incredible place to play.
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Stay safe and be well!
— DM
Love Art Love Life!